Of the new Argentine couples, Natalia and Agustin are among the ones that have grown the fastest in the last years. In less than three years, they have participated in more than 100 tango events, in ten countries from America to Europe.
Even during their first-year European tour, they were called to dance at a Dutch Royalty Award, the "Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Prijs 2016", in the presence of Queen Maxima of The Netherlands.
They have synthesized their unique style from over 10 years of intensive research into the history, dance, and culture of tango; including testimonials from remaining living milongueros.
Rather than relying on rote figures, their style instead focuses on expressing musicality, authenticity, and emotional and historical connections.
They teach in a fresh and playful way, and their technique uses vivid analogies, exciting technology, and emphasizing partner equality and body awareness.
Their classes take a horizontal approach by sharing and developing together with participants.